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The Premium Exam & Quizzing solution

High security, with research-backed efficiency

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NEW! EduBase AI Assistant
Generate questions and tests quickly from your contents using AI. Speed up your workflows today with EduBase!
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Time efficient
Instant test results, scoring, and grading. Automatically generated reports even help to detect problematic topics and questions.
Question variety
Single choice, multiple-choice, true or false, numerical, textual, fill-in-the-gaps, matrices, and even questions with mathematical expressions.
Enhanced security
Cheating detection, and in case of computer malfunction, the test can be continued on a different machine. 2FA user authentication is supported.

Integrate with Your choice of system

Upload questions and build your QuestionBase

Add hints and solution steps
Even videos can be attached to questions as hints or solutions. Perfect for independent practicing, show for exam preparation, automatically hide in exam mode.
Endless questions with parametrization
Parametrize problems so that each person gets a numerically different question with the same difficulty. You can even parametrize the wording of questions.
Function & Formula evaluation
Intelligent evaluation of functions and formulas. Perfect for STEM.
Lightning-fast display of LaTeX symbols
Esthetic and rapid display of mathematical symbols with beautiful LaTeX typesetting is supported.
Upload questions even with Excel
Batch upload your questions as a single file.
Build a central QuestionBase
Educators can build a central database, organize and reuse previously uploaded questions from a single place.
Categorize and tag your questions
Create your own categories, sub-categories, use tags, and set difficulty levels to make it easier to find questions.

Be in full control of your Quizzes

Fine-tune your quizzes
Shuffle questions and select mandatory ones that cannot be skipped. Limit the work time to the minute and restrict how many times it can be opened.
Track and analyze individual progress
See when and how the tests were completed in detail.
Different test modes
All questions displayed at once or one after the other. You decide.
Collaborate with colleagues
Editing questions together and sharing them with fellow educatiors has never been easier.
Personalize your tests
Customize the interface to reinforce your brand and select the features you want to be accessible.

Create and schedule secure online exams

Follow the exam results live
The status of each student can be followed during the examination. Upon completion, you will gain fine-grained insights like never before.
Detect cheating during the exam
Detect suspicious activity such as tab switching, copy-pasting answers, taking screenshots, or simply answering way too fast. No more Wikipedia reading and Googling during the exam!
Advanced revision system
Students can mark questions whose scoring they feel uncertain about and send it back for human review. Automatic scoring can be overridden by educators, however, the change of scoring is logged for each question.
Consistent semi-automatic scoring
Free text questions cannot be fully machine evaluated, however, EduBase learns and suggests giving the same score to answers similar to what has been manually scored. Sounds fair.
Complete re-evaluation if necessary
Made a mistake in a question? No worries, after you correct the mistake, you can re-evaluate all exams with a click and have it all updated.

Gain insights

Detailed results for each test
See how much time students spent on each question.
All exam results can be downloaded
See statistics even on a question-level. This could help to spot weak spots of students.
Visualized statistics of results
Histogram and scatter plot of exam results.

Manage access, delegate and be in control

Give special permissions to supervisors
Supervisors can view exam results and manually override them during revision, however, they cannot change settings.
Control who can view, edit, or upload
Empower the right people to collaborate and see how they deliver results.
Create organizations and centrally manage permissions
Add your colleagues, employees or partnerts and assign them permissions centrally. Revoke or modify them at any time!

Do not worry about servers and updates

Cloud-based solution
Your EduBase can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, any device on your custom URL without any installation or maintenance. On request, we also provide on-premise solution.
Continuous updates
New features, improvements and bug fixes come with our regular updates to all of our customers without any downtime.
EduBase perfectly fits within your existing enterprise environment with LDAP and Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication solutions.
GDPR compliant
EduBase has been built from the very beginning with a special focus on security, so it fully complies with the GDPR guidelines.

— Trusted By —

...and even more educational institutions and companies. Visit EduBase for Business to learn more.

Research-backed efficiency

SEFI 2019: Innovative monitoring of study time and performance and its efficiency in first-semester Calculus course for engineers
“ Calculus is the most important undergraduate mathematics course in engineering programmes at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in which continuous study is essential for deep knowledge acquisition. However, it is common among students to study in a campaign-like way, so that they can succeed in the course without acquiring profound knowledge. The changing learning environment of the 21st century enables us to teach through methods utilising the technical tools of the age and integrating them into the learning process. In 2012, Institute of Mathematics at BME launched a new project aimed at teaching Calculus with an innovative method combining test-effect and online education that provides continuous practice for students with heterogeneous level of knowledge and learning strategy. Our goal was to examine practising behaviour of students during the semester and its effect on the midterm-test results. Using EduBase Online Educational Platform, from September 2018, we continuously monitored the practising of 115 first-year mechatronics and energy engineering students, their practising performance and time spent on weekly issued tests. The recorded learning patterns show that as the end of the semester approaches and duties increase, students are spending less time on practicing and focusing rather on topics not studied before. Additionally, statistical analysis proved that students who spread their total learning time out for several weeks were significantly more successful than their counterparts studying campaign-like. Moreover, we have established the learning-map for the group and introduced an efficiency function indicating the necessary level of practising to complete Calculus with profound knowledge. ”

Using EduBase Quiz for practicing leads to better results!

Read the research paper here
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